As we know, SCC-CBE School at Boengkak slum area for the poorest children who have no ability to pay tuition in private schools. Currently, due to COVID 19 disease continued pandemic to the community. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport requires all schools in Cambodia must be closed for a while. Although the school being suspend closed, but the activities of CBE Boengkak schedule school did not stop, following the curriculum continued as usual. CBE School divides the curriculum into three parts according to the situation of COVID 19. Firstly, the teacher visits the students’ homes. Secondly, teachers give homework to students for doing at home. And thirdly, students have done their homework and then they bring it back to the teacher for correction.
Despite faces, the difficult situation, our teachers at CBE Boengkak School try to provide an education to orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) who need knowledge for their brighter future. If our school does not pay attention to provide knowledge to them, what will happen to them in the future lives? Sympathizing with their parents, when they were young did not get higher education. Until now they are poor, and they did not care or think about the destiny future of their children. Education has become a necessity for human beings after food, clothe, and shelter. It can be provided solutions to all problems if we work together.
Indeed, we, the SCC-CBE members try to motivate and encourage them to obtain education like everyone else. On the other hand, to save the future lives of children and younger generations, we need to educate them with the proper way. Education is a powerful tool to help people out of poverty “The more knowledge they get, the more they grow and more develop in life”. On the other hand, the rest families, we followed up by phone call, all of them are looking forward to sending their kids to SCC-CBE School whenever we are ready to open.