On May 11, 2022, SCC staff located in Phnom Penh organized an educational meeting with most at risk youths in Saensok I Village, Khmuonh Commune, Saensok district, Phnom Penh City, with a total of 30 participants, including 20 females and 10 males. Participating youths were aware of the effects of HIV and how to protect themselves from HIV transmission. In the meeting youth made good friends with each other. They also learned the four kinds of good friends, which were taught by SCC’s monk. There are four types of true friends as follows (shorturl.at/fgxKO): 1. The Helper/Protector 2. The Enduring friend 3. The wise advisor and 4. The loyal compassionate friend. Moreover, the overall theme of the meeting is to educate youth students to study harder and stay away from drugs and avoid love affairs during school age which is lead to damage to their future and family’s dignity. Meanwhile, the dangers of HIV infection and the importance of blood tests for HIV, and the transmission of HIV from person to person through three main types were raised up.
HIV Prevention among most-at-risk youths
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