16 SCC staff included 2 monks core trainers who were from Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Battambong office will become the agriculture resilience to climate change trainers. On15-16 January 2022 at Siem Reap office province, a training of trainer agriculture adapts to climate change was conducted for its staff who are going to transfer the knowledge to their target group in order to diversify/enhance their home garden for better food security. Under the fund support from Bread for the World | Brot für die Welt, 470 poor families will be trained on agriculture and supported the basic material/seed and technology to enable them to have a better livelihood. Through the support of SCC, they, beneficiary’s families, will be able to have enough food for every member so that the children will be sent to school more and more.
SCC produced 16 agriculture resilience to climate change trainers.
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